Last year, before winter even started, we were hearing predictions that our area wouldn't have any real winter weather until, they nailed that one.
Went to bed Monday to a dusting of snow and crystal clear skies and woke up on Feb. 1st to eight inches of snow and colder weather than we've had here in something like 25 years. By that night I had a broken water pipe and a near brush with frost bite.
It's official: I hate winter. I really, really do. I don't ski, or snowboard, and I hate being cold. Remember that scene in Unforgiven where the fat deputy is asking the others if they'd rather be shot when it's warm or when it's cold? "Everything hurts worse when it's cold," he observes.
I'm with him.
Winter sucks.
7 hours ago
put a hat on eric
not a great post
but it's a start!!!
ps re my police post
can you give us a few of you old police tales?
What I hate most about winter is that my finger tips crack no matter how much hand lotion I use. I spend weeks in the winter with bandaids on my fingers....ugh. Also...chapped lips. Can't use enough lip balm. answer to your question about windows left unlatched? Nope. They were all locked. And we have lots of elderly neighbors who stay home all day and are good spies. I have come home more than once to have a neighbor call to me to check our front porch, that UPS left us a package....
I am pretty sure no one hates cold weather more than I do! I totally agree its the pits!
You need to start making yourself say something positive for every negative thing you say ROFL :O). Hey it can be very enligthening as to how often we are living in the negtive! :O)...
Also, well, you know I am going to suggest getting some exercise! If for no other reason to get the endorphins!
Well okay that sounded kinda snippy in hind sight LOL. LOL didn't mean it like that. Just know the negative thing kinda feeds on itself before we even realize it :O).
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