Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Winter's Bone

Another great one.


John Going Gently said...

I loved this movie
see my review......
Id be interested in your review eric

John Going Gently said...

ps are you doing any royal wedding "specials"?

Maria said...

I miss you, dude. Are you still kicking it?

And what is it with the cheeky word verification? (sputumm)

John Going Gently said...

yes me and maria miss you
GET TYPING!!!!!!!!!!

John Going Gently said...

you still breathing eric?

Eric said...

Yep, still alive...

Sputumm? No shit? That's just flippin' wrong.

Maria said...

I just read an article that Jennifer L, the main character in Winter's Bone is going to star as Katniss in The Hunger Games. I never thought I would be into young adult books, but Liv asked me to read the trilogy and tell her what I thought and welllll...I thought it was right next to brilliant.

John Going Gently said...

still checking in the hope that your block has been lifted

John Going Gently said...

check your
email eric

John Going Gently said...

just to let you know
your prize from "name the pig" has just been posted
apologies for the lateness of the sending!

Maria said...

So, now you're entering "name that pig" contests but not blogging? Ok, what the hell did you win with?

Tickle Me Stinky?
P Chop?

Please don't tell me it was something like "Petunia...."

Miss your smart ass comments on my blog, dude.

John Going Gently said...

it was margie , maria!!!!

hope he enjoys the rize.. it should be with him by now!!!!