Monday, November 4, 2013

You ever have this overwhelming feeling that you just want to go home, but have no idea where, or when that is, or if it's even anyplace you've ever been?


John Going Gently said...

What's up Eric?
And to answer your question
" frequently"

Eric said...

Nothing is up, I just feel like I'm fighting the same fights over and over again to live a life I don't even particularly care for.
It's exhausting.

John Going Gently said...

Things still a bit tough?o

Maria said...

Do this for me. Go to You Tube. Write "Garden State..home, the same imaginary place" A lot of things will come up. You want the one where they're in the pool. Listen to it. It will click with you.

I'm here if you need me....

Eric said...

Yeah, that pretty much nails it, Maria. I keep hearing myself saying (out loud) some variation of, "Fuck it, I want to go home," but I have no idea where I'm talking about.

Eric said...

I'll be...there's a word for it, hiraeth.
Thanks, Word Porn!