Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not a quote...more of a chestnut.

The dishwasher brought in Darkside Zodiac today and we all passed it around. A little later, as I was reading it, the waitress commented that the book was stupid.

"Why," I asked.

"It basically said that I was a manipulative bitch, and a slut," she said.

"That's weird, it was dead on on mine too."


John Going Gently said...

did she smack you?

Eric said...

No, just pouted.

Maria said...

She should have smacked you.

I once was at a party and someone was reading auras. The person looked at me and asked the group of us what colors they saw around me. A woman that disliked me gave me the once over and said "lots of beige." Bitch.

Eric said...

I'm not laughing...