Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sometimes you see something and you think of those who would enjoy it and immediately want to share it with them. So, Maria and John...



John Going Gently said...

that first video and song was lovely
just the mellow thing I needed at 05.00 am when I could not sleep!
as for the movie
its on my list
thanks for the thought eric

Maria said...

Well, I finally decide that you are NEVER going to post again and there you go...

I saw Moonrise Kingdom. And...was disappointed. The preview, this preview is what made me want to see it. But, the movie seemed to try way too hard and I could it feel sort of trying, do you know what I mean?

The first video? I have no idea why, but I started weeping about halfway through it. Can't even say way, it just got to me. know me better than I think you do.