Getting rid of stuff is awesome. Last month I had to move everything out of my bedroom so that I could have the floor tiled. Since then I have moved only my bed back in and it is kick ass. I think a small desk and dresser will be the only other furniture to go back in.
Years ago I had a friend who suffered a house fire. She said that as she was watching it burn she was pretty bummed, thinking, ‘Oh my God, all my stuff is gone.’
Then she realized that having all that stuff just tied her down, not only to a place, but to emotions, some of which were better let go, and she ended up smiling as she watched the place burn.
Get ready kitchen, you’re next.
11 hours ago
I love this! I too am in the middle of a Purge; moving in June, can't take all of my crap. It's good to give the boot to some of your junk now and again. It's amazing how the crappy stuff we collect can tie us down and hold us back. Bleh!
We lost years worth of accumulated stuff (and a few treasures, i.e., Walnut Santa and 3 boxes of classic LPs) when our basement flooded. After the initial upset, I realized it was a good thing. And our children will be spared much in that future sorting!
You're not going to set the kitchen on fire, right?
I'm not makin' any promises.
Do you feel like a trip to the prairie? Because I live with a pack rat......
yeah! down with possessions! they clutter the mind, the greatest possession you have.
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