Thursday, September 9, 2010

Crew of the Battlestar Rio, August 15, 2008


John Going Gently said...

looks like the cast of an American sit com!!!

Maria said...

I agree. This group calls for a great storyline. But, you know? You need an elderly bottle blond head waitress who looks like Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke.

John Going Gently said...

LOL maria...I absolutel love old waitresses (sp?) with attitude.....

met many on our trips to new york......brusque and always a little sassy!

ERIC, can you hire one? perhaps one that looks like betty white with a toilet mouth?

Texan said...

or how about like the "Kiss My Grits" waitress LOL.. FLo wasn't that her name?

Hows the biking going?

Eric said...

Yeah, it was Flo...can't remember the sitcom, but I remember her and that the restaurant was Mel's Diner.

Maria, you would love one of the cocktail waitresses at the country bar up the street from us, she's in her late 60s and has worked there on weekends for as long as I've been here (14 years). She is kick ass and doesn't take any shit.