I lean back, my eyes closed against the light, a warm orange glow on the backs of my eyelids, the cold metal of the Tecate can perspiring in my hand as the sound of gently lapping water just reaches my ears.
Wait, that’s the floor drain backing up and flooding the dish room again. Shit. At least the Tecate is real.
It is day nine of Hell Week and it is starting to show. A couple of mornings ago I sat on the couch drooling and slurring my speech, wondering if I’d had a mild stroke, then Danny kindly pointed out that I still had my toothbrush in my mouth. I’m not sure that’s better.
Saturday morning I sent a text to Brett to ask how the weekend had gone at Café Z. I was sure it was Sunday afternoon.
I hope everyone is having a good 2010 so far, though I've got to say that I feel ripped off. Where is my flying car? My vacation on the moon? And the robot wives? Well, they're here and it turns out that they're just kinda creepy.
I just sent the last of my Christmas guests off on a plane to Colorado this morning. And while I loved having them, it felt AWESOME to come home, get ready to take a shower and realize that I forgot my conditioner and WALK NAKED back to my bedroom to get it. It's the little things you miss.....
And I have decided to give us some really good made up blog vocabulary. Your word verification for today is dractiff. So, how is that new dractiff menu item working out for you?
Your turn...
My word thingy is "ropoccub" - could be you expressing your robot wife desire with a toothbrush in your mouth!
Maria: The menu item...yeah, not so hot. But the anti-dractiff shampoo is working wonderfully.
You keep your conditioner in the bedroom?
Annemarie: That article really creeped me out, though she probably does have a better personality than her husband.
Another tooth brushing incident: my seventeen year old cat likes to hover while I get ready for work in the morning, yesterday I spat toothpaste on her.
She shouldn't have been in the sink.
Hey, what did you think of Sherlock Holmes? We saw that, Avatar, Up in the Air and Fantastic Mr. Fox.
I thought Avatar was indeed wondrous in special effects, but it seemed like a green Terminator to me.
Sherlock was wonderful, but honestly, I will watch anything with Robert Downey and Jude Law. I can't remember the name of that woman...Rachel McAdams? Is it just me or does she always play the same character in all of her movies? She is always kind of a plucky heroine.
Up in the Air was my favorite so far. We went and saw it on a friend's recommendation, plus she told me that this character named Alex was a lot like me. So, I go to the movie and she turns out to be the BAD GUY in the end. How flattering. But, the movie was truly brilliant.
Fantastic Mr. Fox was really good, I suppose. The thing is that I don't like animated movies too much and I got bored.
So, yeah...a busy holiday. Now it is back to work and wouldn't you know it, the high is supposed to be 1 degree today with another blizzard coming tomorrow. My roof is going to cave in soon. Ugh. Makes me so freakin' crabby. And now, Liv is back at school, so SO much more driving.
My word is micane. I liked the movie, but thought it was a bit micane.
Yes, I keep my conditioner in my bedroom. I only use it once a week and our shower is full of products. No room for it.
What kind of toothpaste was it?
I love how they casually mention that "the robot... can perform many of the same duties many people can perform." My guess is, judging by the look on his face, that the guy doesn't get a whole lotta duties performed on him, if you get my drift. Not by real women, anyway. (Or men, for that matter.) It all seems somewhat, ah, dractiff to me.
I could really use a robot wife. I'm assuming she would iron. And cook. And not say much.
Sounds perfect.
T: Though the article says that "she" can perform many functions that people can she can neither walk nor stand, so I doubt this model can cook or iron.
I agree with Annemarie, this wasn't designed for helping out around the household.
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